
mortgage intelligence oshawa

Is An Error Destroying Your Credit?

If you have ever found incorrect information on your credit bureau it could be lowering your credit score and enable you to obtain mortgage financing. It is important that you identify the incorrect information and get it corrected as soon as possible.

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Minor Credit Setbacks Can Lead to Bankruptcy!

Helping people to get back on their feet after a financial crisis is what we do well. At Mortgage Intelligence Oshawa we have the power of Mortgage Intelligence and all our resources to help rebuild bad credit and offer low rate mortgage solutions.

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What Does it Mean to be Bankrupt in Canada?

Bankruptcy is a legal process under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act in Canada. Your Tustee will act to help relive you of your debts and deal with your creditors. Once discharged yo can begin to re-build your credit right away. Ask the mortgage Doctor how?

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Credit Problems?

Traditionally if you have ever had bad or poor credit it would be very challenging for you to obtain a mortgage with a great interest rate. In today’s mortgage market it has changed and now there are many opportunities for borrowers with a poor credit history. When you contact a Mortgage Intelligence mortgage professional they will be able to help you get a great rate.

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We Care about You our Client!

Here is a client testimonial from one of our satisfied clients at Mortgage Intelligence Oshawa that we would like to share with you. When you find yourself in a difficult financial situation do not hesitate to call our office today.

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