

What Does it Mean to be Bankrupt in Canada?

Bankruptcy is a legal process under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act in Canada. Your Tustee will act to help relive you of your debts and deal with your creditors. Once discharged yo can begin to re-build your credit right away. Ask the mortgage Doctor how?

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The Mortgage Doctor The concept behind Bankruptcy in Canada is this: You assign (surrender) everything you own to a trustee in bankruptcy in exchange for

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How Does Bankruptcy Affect My Spouse?

If you and your spouse have no joint debts then if you claim bankruptcy by yourself your spouse is not affected. If you and your spouse have any joint debts then your spouse will be held jointly responsible for those joint debts.

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Credit Problems?

Traditionally if you have ever had bad or poor credit it would be very challenging for you to obtain a mortgage with a great interest rate. In today’s mortgage market it has changed and now there are many opportunities for borrowers with a poor credit history. When you contact a Mortgage Intelligence mortgage professional they will be able to help you get a great rate.

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