
Consumer Proposal

What You Need To Know About Bankruptcy

Some basic facts about being in Bankruptcy and some other options in Ontario include, the Bankruptcy and Consumer Proposal rate has increased by 30.4% in 2009 from those numbers in 2008. Some other options include, consumer proposal, debt consolidation loan or debt settlement.

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Bankruptcy – Your Bad Credit Solution & Your Duties

Bankruptcy is a way to stop collections agencies from calling. It can relive you of debt, but you must meet with creditors, surrender your credit cards, file income tax returns, attend credit counseling and report your living expenses. You can begin re-building your credit right after being discharged from Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal.

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How to tell if you are in Financial Trouble!

Are you in Financial Trouble? There are many common signs that you might be over looking when it comes to your financial situation. Some common signs would be credit cards maxed out, unopened mail piling up, can’t sleep, missed payments etc.

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