
mortgage intelligence oshawa

Student Loans and Bankruptcy!

As post secondary education costs have increased a lot over the last 20 years more and more students are taking out student loans to pay for their education. As the economy is still trying to get back on track it is becoming harder and harder for recent graduates to find a job right out of college/university and they have no way to pay their student loans off. There are three options you can consider that may help your situation.

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How to tell if you are in Financial Trouble!

Are you in Financial Trouble? There are many common signs that you might be over looking when it comes to your financial situation. Some common signs would be credit cards maxed out, unopened mail piling up, can’t sleep, missed payments etc.

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Debt Settlement in Ontario!

If you are thinking about filing for Bankruptcy you should consider all your options first one being debt settlement. You will be able to reduce the amount of debt you have as well as pay off your creditors within a period of time.

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Sub-Prime Nightmare!

Canada’s Sub-Prime Nightmare is just beginning Canada could be facing a mortgage nightmare in the next few years with an estimated 30,000 subprime loans –

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