

Get Your Goals In Line With Your Life.

For many, spring is a time to feel enthusiastic about the goals that have been set for the year. Plan a summer vacation, pay off debt, buy new patio furniture; these goals are all important to us but how do we accomplish them?

When we break down our goals into achievable steps we feel more capable of the challenge. Thankfully it can boil down to the relationship between how much money is coming in to how much money is going out. Do you know what your lifestyle costs each month? Take an inventory of your monthly bills and debts. Make sure to include all expenses, including minimum credit payments, gas, etc. If the bill is only paid quarterly, divide it by 3 to get the monthly amount. Access the information from your bills and bank statements. Write this information as a list of your monthly expenses. Also write a list of your monthly household income. How much is left after all the bills are paid?

If we spend our time robbing Peter to pay Paul then life is sure to become overwhelming for us. When we prioritize our goals, and base our decisions on what we can afford, we gain a sense of accomplishment.

To be in control of your life, base your decisions on your reality. Creating your life from what you have, affords you the capacity to live life to the fullest.

Article Courtesy of Janet Ries

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