
Rebuild My Credit

We Care about You our Client!

Here is a client testimonial from one of our satisfied clients at Mortgage Intelligence Oshawa that we would like to share with you. When you find yourself in a difficult financial situation do not hesitate to call our office today.

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Be Debt Free in One Year or Less!

The first step to becoming debt free is to know how much debt you actually have. Next you want to pay off the debts with the highest interest rates first. Try to pay more than the minimum payments if at all possible, create a budget and try to stick to it as best as possible. Is it an option to consider a part time job to help bring in some more income. Sell any items that you know longer use that are just taking up space but could be of use to someone else. Try to live without luxuries like eat in as much as possible and spend quality family time at home instead of always going out and spending money at different events. You may also want to consider a debt consolidation.

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Student Loans and Bankruptcy!

As post secondary education costs have increased a lot over the last 20 years more and more students are taking out student loans to pay for their education. As the economy is still trying to get back on track it is becoming harder and harder for recent graduates to find a job right out of college/university and they have no way to pay their student loans off. There are three options you can consider that may help your situation.

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