

Its Time to Move!

Is it Trash or Treasure?

Our friends at Two Men and a Truck complied a list of tips to help you decide what to take with you and what to toss, or donate. We’re all guilty of having a lot of stuff in our lives.  Some of us even have storage units where we store our stuff.

Time to move

Often we hang on to things that were gifts we couldn’t use, or things we have duplicates of. There is someone out there that could    benefit from your donation. Remember the old adage, “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure”.

Moving is a great time to look at your possessions and lighten how much you will be taking to your new place.


We have attached the full article so you can “Get Packing”, but only those things you really want for your new home. Thanks Two Men and a Truck!

If its time for you to move, think about getting pre-approved for a mortgage on your next home as part of your preparation.

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