

Renovations That Add Value

Not all Renovations are created equal.

The moment the weather breaks, even if it’s just for a day or two, we start thinking about Spring.

At our house Spring means Renovation.Renovation

This year it’s time to paint the exterior surfaces of the house to keep it looking good and to preserve the wood siding.

Owning a home means there’ll always be something that needs updating or replacing choosing the projects that bring in the best rate of return is very important if you only have a set amount to spend.

 Style At Home magazine published a great list of renovation paybacks. Kitchens and baths still top the list but there are many other improvements that not only increase enjoyment but add to over-all value increase.

Before you get started on your “Honey Do”  list this Spring, We hope you’ll have a look at the return on investments and make a wise choice for your renovation dollars.

Here’s the list of returns on renovations from Style at Home.

If your renovation is a major one, talk to us about helping you with the financing. Many homeowners finance a renovation using credit cards and available balances on a line of credit. While this might seem like a great idea, it can actually destroy your credit rating and make it impossible to get a consolidation loan once the work is done.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJNzQePA_zE&w=560&h=315]

 Call us first for a Renovation loan. Rates as low as 3.5% are available today! Apply Now.

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