

Master Your Holiday Budget in 8 Weeks

The holiday season doesn’t have to mean a financial hangover. Canadians spend an average of $1,800 during the holidays, but with a smart plan, you can cut costs without cutting joy.

Week 8: Rethink Traditions
Talk to your loved ones about cost-saving traditions. Early planning can lead to creative and memorable holidays without overspending.

Week 7: Budgeting
Review your finances and set a budget. Decide what’s essential for your holiday happiness and plan your spending around it.

Week 6: Extra Income and Deals
Look for side gigs to boost your budget. Organize your decorations, finalize your gift list, and book travel now to snag deals.

Week 5: Wardrobe and Sales
Refresh your holiday wardrobe by borrowing or fixing old outfits. Also, start stocking up on sale items, especially non-perishable groceries.

Week 4: Send Gifts and Avoid Debt
Mail gifts early to avoid rush fees. Use cash instead of credit to keep track of spending and avoid debt.

Week 3: Travel Prep and Credit Smarts
Finalize travel plans and stick to using a low-interest credit card if necessary.

Week 2: Decorate and Discover
Wrap gifts, decorate, and enjoy free or low-cost holiday events in your community.

Week 1: Meal Planning and Calls
Plan your holiday meals, finish grocery shopping, and make a call list to connect with those far away.

Post-Holidays: Sales and Savings
Post-holiday sales are perfect for next year’s planning. Start a savings plan early to prepare for the next holiday season.

Remember, holidays are about making memories, not accumulating debt. Plan, save, and spend wisely for a festive and financially sound season.

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